Agriculture Resources
San Joaquin County Ag Facts
The gross value of agricultural production in 2021 was $2,192,234,000. This is a 5.34% increase from 2020.
3,430 total farms, comprised of 772,762 acres of farmland (2017 Census)

California Ag Facts
California's agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities.
Over a third of the country's vegetables and two-thirds of the country's fruits and nuts are grown in California
California is the leading US state for cash farm receipts, accounting for over 13 percent of the nation's total agricultural value
Top producing commodities (2018)
Dairy Products, Milk — $6.37 billion
Grapes — $6.25 billion
Almonds — $5.47 billion
Cattle and Calves — $3.19 billion
Pistachios — $2.62 billion
Strawberries — $2.34 billion
Lettuce — $1.81 billion
Floriculture — $1.22 billion
Tomatoes — $1.20 billion
Oranges — $1.12 billion
The California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating youth throughout California about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives. We do this through:
Developing materials that are accurate, teacher-tested and scientifically sound to enhance the educational experience of K-12 students.
Providing programs, inspiration and training opportunities for educators.
Partnering with like-minded organizations to create awareness about the significance of agriculture in our everyday lives.
Recognizing teachers and students for their achievements in agricultural literacy.
Supporting the pursuit of agricultural careers and continuing education.
Our mission is to increase awareness and understanding of agriculture among California's educators and students. Our vision is an appreciation of agriculture by all.

Stockton East Water District
T-Shirts from Field to Closet

Cotton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYa4zneKbeY
Machines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJOteam-zWw
California Department of Food and Agriculture
California Dept. of Food and Agriculture - Statistics
San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner
San Joaquin County Farm Bureau - Ask A Farmer Series
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
California Farm to Fork Program
Fresno State
Ag Discovery Videos
Virtual Tour of CSUF Farm Laboratory
Beef Cattle Health and Management
– Dr. Randy Perry
Leatherworking Supplies & Mule/Horse Equipment + Saddle and Pack Demonstration – Dr. Sharon Freeman
California Agriculture, Citrus, Grafting Demonstration, and More
– Dr. Gurreet Brar
Bee Hives – Dr. Jacob Wenger
– Dr. Kyle Thompson
Equine Reproduction (Collecting, A.I., Preg Check) – Dr. Fabio Iared
– Dr. Amanda McKeith
– Jason and Michael Mendes